Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Finding friends at Rhodes has probably been one of the easiest things I've done so far. The people here are so chilled and finding a group of friends is like finding a lie in a politicians speech-its dead obvious!

The one thing that did strike me more than anything else is the quality in friendship that you find. There have been many cases in the past where I have settled for average mates just to fit in (No Josh and Steve, I don't mean you guys). But here at Rhodes the difficulty is finding mediocre friends. The heart of friendships at Rhodes lies within the res', but with friends in other res' that you went to school with you soon find yourself with a pool of great companionship linked all over the varsity.
This networking of friends gives rise to crazy partying and a system that means you will never be abandoned at the bottom of the hill in a pile of vomit outside Pirates pizza. Someone will always be there to pick you up and carry you home knowing that the very next night you could be doing the same for them.
The problem with having so many amazing friends though, is that when you go home you are caught in a situation of wanting to go back and party yet still enjoying the time spent with your friends at home. This is known as a catch-22, or in layman's terms 'Ah Fuck!' The trick now is to drink with your friends at home as often as possible as training is needed for the start of a Rhodes term.
So in-terms-of-friendship at Rhodes you will never be lacking, never be thirsty and you'll never get enough. But, most importantly, you'll always be happy.