Monday, October 20, 2008

weekend madness

"OMG! Exams start in two weeks time". . . My very first reaction to that statement would be oh darn it I'm going to have to study during Halloween :(. A sad and very true fact, which is why these last few days of freedom before the extremely feared exams is a week Rhodents often take to do their last little bit of partying. Even though exams are peering their gastly head around the corner the ever so fearless Rhodent walks towards them head first with his party shoes on. Think I'm lying? Well let me give you some proof of this last weekend where there were more then 5 functions occuring on the same night.

The Friday night was a bubbling happy evening with many gracing us with their presense at the usual spots (Union,Rat, Friars), whilst others had simply made a trip down to the coast. Now don't get me wrong I really enjoy the chilled Saturday night vibes which G-Town often experiences. Many Rhodents don't come out of their dingy, little, dark rooms for many reasons but one being the fact that they are probably hung over, a symptom often experienced every Thursday and Saturady morning which tends to be followed by sleeping the whole day one of the nicer side effects of the reckless evenings. However this weekends Saturday was on of absorbing sunlight at the pool with friends and party crashing many of the functions which seemed to be happening unanomously in one evening.

What started out as a movie evening soon turned into a "lets go out we only have two weeks left before exams" night. Now my initial reaction was "no ways I'm already in my Pjs" however after giving it a second thought I decided to get dressed and mission out. And mission out we did. We went to at least 5 parties in one night.

We began our evening with a visit to union, where there was a fines evening happening, so you saw many drunk boys wodering around union and not making it further then that. Then we proceded to go to the monument where we went to the law awards evening and after a little bit of dancing we proceded to go check out the trans party which was happening outside. It is called Burning of the man where could watch things being burned in a raging, roaring and yet tamed fire. After the monument escapade we managed to catch a lift down back to campus and so we returned back to Union and when Union closed we finally made our way into Town. On New Street we ventured into The Rat and Parrot, here we met up with a few friends and then we all missioned down to Friars. Even though Friars wasn't full (mainly because everyone was so split up tonight),it was still a very fun and cool vibe wich made for a good party becausefor once u didn'thave drunk people stepping on you and bumping you but you non the less had enough people to make a party. The party however ended when our stomachs called for food and the cry was so overwhelming that only a pirates pizza could suffice.

With our party shoes warn out and our stomachs satisfied we bagan the long walk up the hill to return to our ever so lovely beds. And even though the night was over and we were brought so abruptly into Sunday, it was without a doubt, one of the most eventful weekends , not to mention Saturays I have experienced so far at Rhodes. If only exams weren't around the corner. . .